Monday, December 29, 2008

ohhhh noooo...!!my back.... back was injured 2 day ago...dis morning i went 2 doc ask me 2 rest for 2 weeks...huh...retired from playing...noooo...never....i'll follow d doc instructions....thanks doc...although sakit sgt2 pon,kne la thn skit...nk men nye psl kn...i dont want 2 retired...huhuhu...may b i'll become sakuragi (main character in slam dunk anime) injured his back no akira sendoh aite?heheheh...just kidding...hope i gonna b fine...pray 4 me guys... =(

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Gud Luck

sory coz xpost pasal ktorg hangout...kalo nk view gak,just link 2 ramzul's blog k...sory la coz bz skit skrg ni...berkarier all my buddies,gud luck 2 face d new sem...all d best 2 you guys...2 all UTP,s N uniKL students,may b u have a lot of tyme 2 enjoy ur day...have a nice day k... =)
t ble da blk contact2 la k...keep in touch.. =)

Friday, December 26, 2008


i really2 love this game...sedar atau x...our team da staraf dgn national nye team (no kidding k)...much improvement...played the game since form 2...may b ade yg da men lame lg...may b lps form 3 kte da x men sm2 lg n no more tournament we played together...i think kalo kte stay play lps PMR dlu,may b kte da bleh men smpi peringkat trtinggi in this country..i trust u guys...may b kte xde la tnggi sgt just harap kat faiz je la yg tnggi pon but u guys nye skill so powerfull...especially hilmi,hatta,syed,zaki,faiz,andak n ramzul...u guys so hot...i miss d tyme dat we played the ball together...really2 miss it..hope after this we still keep in touch n playing it is our life...almost of the team member penah injured dlm court...dat all the memory...just take a look at the pixs...for more story,view hilmi's a follower 4 his blog...

Monday, December 22, 2008

busies week

17december2008-sory to all blogger...coz xdpt update blog ni coz bz sgt...ak abes exam 17 dis x smpt nk relax2,mmber da ajak g beentap pool n boling...ape je g alamanda g men boling...2 dgn the highest lak dgn kazeem,sopi n pozie...sempoi abes...mng dgn team lg 1...hehehe...plg salute kazeem 1st tyme main dpt 115 jthn pin...power gak ko ni kazeem rohaijat...overall smua best...puas ati men...then ptg 2 gak blk kd...then blk kd konvoi dgn faidi...smpi je umah g skola jap...usha court coz syed n hilmi ade kat situ...diorg plan nk kuar mlm esok...ak x de hal...ape g...kuar la daku ke ou...

18december2008-xde ape sgt ari ni...nothing mlm 2 kuar g ou tp mmg frust...1st sbb mula2 plan rmai nk kuar then ble smpi ou,xde lak...huhuhu...ble da smpi sne..nk men boling tp penuh lak lane...huishhh...mmg mncabar keimanan...i cant stop...ape g...g nyanyi la...hahaha...puas ati ak...scream all the tyme...sing awie's songs...hahaha...after dat,hang out kat mcd...then go back...

19decemeber2008-1st day keje wit mak cik...everything oryte...kerja dgn mak cik plg best...x byk keje..heheh..relax je keje pon...just set buku,koyak kertas...boleh laa dr duk sj kat umah kn...bosan gak duk umah...bek keje...keje lak dgn relax je far so good...ptg mcm bsktball...then ptg 2 gak my uncle smpi quite bz la 4 dat tyme...

20-21december2008-kerje n men bsketball all the tyme...xde wat ape kat 2 la keje ak...x pon ngadap PS2 men game...smpi nk muntah da ak men...hahahaha...vomit...weekend ni best skit coz andak blk...unluckily die blk die smpt jmpe hilmi n i je...xpe la andak..mayb xde rezki kot...ko slalu je jmpe ak..

22december2008-as usual...working in the morning n playing basketball in the kat sini ade la skit pix kat court...nice snap by ramzul...thanks dude... =)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

first phase

so,4 down...3 more to go...arhgggghhhh....stress 4 d propulsion now,tawakal je la...huhuhu...break 4 a week then continue d examination again...

Friday, November 28, 2008


final just around the corner....nervous...although i well prepare 4 d final...still nervous...i dont know why...wish me luck...time is running out....peace!!!

second time injured

this week very2 unlucky 4 me...injured 4 d second time...hurmmm...left ankle...its all about takraw...luckily not a major injured...hope will recover soon too... =(

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

final exam

final exam coming soon...

monday 1/12 Propulsion (killer subject)
tuesday 2/12 human factor (killer subject)
thursday 4/12 aircraft instrument (medium)
friday 5/12 digital technique (medium)


monday 15/12 aircraft electrical system (all killer no filler subject)
tuesday 16/12 navigation (like this subject =P)
wednesday 17/12 communication (like this subject =P)


ohh no...injured again...!!hope can recover b4 19th dec...i want 2 play basketball...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

sorry,i want it

firstly, sorry 4 d broken English i have used in my blog...hehee..just keeping my word might be annoying...sorry keyh dude...
i keepin' my eyes on these 2 gadgets... imac and iphone...waaa~...its so nice...i like both...i hope end of this year i can go 2 Singapore...coz the price of this item especially iphone too much cheaper than Malaysia...I WANT IT!!!hahahaa...if i cant go 2 singapore, i hope kazeem willing 2 help me...plsssss kazeemmmm!!!thats all...daa~ peace!

whole week story

This week last week 4 d 2nd year student...I’m 2nd year student..So next year im final year waiting 4 dat moment...hehehehe...monday...Mr Hashim's class as usual..i like his class...but on dat tyme we got test from not prepared yet...but i tried my best 2 answered his test...luckily can answered it very d afternoon, i got propulsion class wit mr halim...hurmmm...the class quite nice...tuesday, instrument and navigation class..hehehe...i like this 2 classes...nav and instrument...on nav class like usual, test and on instrument just the revision...yeaaa...tomorrow no class in the, settle down all work...hurmmm...on that nite, i got flu...may b coz of global warming…hehehe…like a scientist aite?hehehe…Wednesday, digital class…settle the the topics haven’t finish yet…hurmmm…quite good…dat day, 1 got a carry mark 4 d subject…hurmmm…result,so so..not too good, not too bad…hee~…my classmate ask, how 2 get the extra mark for the carry mark 4 this subjects… my lecturer said, can, but u guys must challenge me in badminton…u guys must win the game 21-0 then he will mark up the carry mark…shocked d just thinkin’, the best player also can’t win the game 21-0..crazy man…if we r lose the game the carry mark will deducted…speechless…nothing to much 2 say…Thursday, human factor n aircraft electrical system class…both class r good…before go home, I talking with mr baha about the industry life…nice 2 hear his story….hehehe…I want 2 workkkkk!!!….. Friday, go home in the morning n when reach home, on9 immediately…hhehee…waiting 4 somebody on9… =P…evening…hang out wth my friend on court…waaa….long tyme no c the ball…hehehe..Nice game with syed,sopi,ramzul,zaki,najmi…hatta n hilmi not at the home yet… at 900 pm, went 2 mcd with ramzul,zaki,najmi,sopi,alifah,syed and puan ros…discussing about the graduation day…hahaha…zaki and I want the easies job…hehehe…on the moment also all the old story came out from somebody…hahahaa…watch out dude…return home on 1237 and on9 4 a while…ym with somebody…hehehe…n suddenly rahman,my old friend buzz… waaa….rahman, the heavymetal n hardcore musician…hehhee…we share the same interest since school…awesome man…get more the info in German k about the underground scene…b4 slept, stdy 1st… =P…about wut haa??Forgetting already…hehehe…3am slept after somebody asked me to do that =P… nyte Malaysia….peace!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

first time trial last, i have my own blog...nway thanks 4 ramzul coz help me a final exam just around the,in quarantine mode...quarantine??stdy leave i mean..hahaha...wish me luck k...too all my frend around d world, enjoy ur holidays...too all ballers, just wait me in court k...hahaha...lets go 4 the sickness of basketball...hehehe...nway,thanks coz view my blogs... =)