Friday, December 26, 2008


i really2 love this game...sedar atau x...our team da staraf dgn national nye team (no kidding k)...much improvement...played the game since form 2...may b ade yg da men lame lg...may b lps form 3 kte da x men sm2 lg n no more tournament we played together...i think kalo kte stay play lps PMR dlu,may b kte da bleh men smpi peringkat trtinggi in this country..i trust u guys...may b kte xde la tnggi sgt just harap kat faiz je la yg tnggi pon but u guys nye skill so powerfull...especially hilmi,hatta,syed,zaki,faiz,andak n ramzul...u guys so hot...i miss d tyme dat we played the ball together...really2 miss it..hope after this we still keep in touch n playing it is our life...almost of the team member penah injured dlm court...dat all the memory...just take a look at the pixs...for more story,view hilmi's a follower 4 his blog...


Hilmi said...

basketball yg unite kite as friends kn?gosh..too many memories..btw, ak stuju pendapat ko yg if time f4 smua stay, cnfrm ley g jauh. xpnh lg spjg 8-9 thn ak men bb, ak jpe 1 team yg smua ad bakat(bakat ssh na cari,lg2 smua dlm team ad) n setiap org ad cara men yg tersndr.

chokey said...

yup2...dats ryte...ak pon stuju...kalo kte stay..may b kte boleh g lbh jauh...battleground screaming again!!