Sunday, November 23, 2008

whole week story

This week last week 4 d 2nd year student...I’m 2nd year student..So next year im final year waiting 4 dat moment...hehehehe...monday...Mr Hashim's class as usual..i like his class...but on dat tyme we got test from not prepared yet...but i tried my best 2 answered his test...luckily can answered it very d afternoon, i got propulsion class wit mr halim...hurmmm...the class quite nice...tuesday, instrument and navigation class..hehehe...i like this 2 classes...nav and instrument...on nav class like usual, test and on instrument just the revision...yeaaa...tomorrow no class in the, settle down all work...hurmmm...on that nite, i got flu...may b coz of global warming…hehehe…like a scientist aite?hehehe…Wednesday, digital class…settle the the topics haven’t finish yet…hurmmm…quite good…dat day, 1 got a carry mark 4 d subject…hurmmm…result,so so..not too good, not too bad…hee~…my classmate ask, how 2 get the extra mark for the carry mark 4 this subjects… my lecturer said, can, but u guys must challenge me in badminton…u guys must win the game 21-0 then he will mark up the carry mark…shocked d just thinkin’, the best player also can’t win the game 21-0..crazy man…if we r lose the game the carry mark will deducted…speechless…nothing to much 2 say…Thursday, human factor n aircraft electrical system class…both class r good…before go home, I talking with mr baha about the industry life…nice 2 hear his story….hehehe…I want 2 workkkkk!!!….. Friday, go home in the morning n when reach home, on9 immediately…hhehee…waiting 4 somebody on9… =P…evening…hang out wth my friend on court…waaa….long tyme no c the ball…hehehe..Nice game with syed,sopi,ramzul,zaki,najmi…hatta n hilmi not at the home yet… at 900 pm, went 2 mcd with ramzul,zaki,najmi,sopi,alifah,syed and puan ros…discussing about the graduation day…hahaha…zaki and I want the easies job…hehehe…on the moment also all the old story came out from somebody…hahahaa…watch out dude…return home on 1237 and on9 4 a while…ym with somebody…hehehe…n suddenly rahman,my old friend buzz… waaa….rahman, the heavymetal n hardcore musician…hehhee…we share the same interest since school…awesome man…get more the info in German k about the underground scene…b4 slept, stdy 1st… =P…about wut haa??Forgetting already…hehehe…3am slept after somebody asked me to do that =P… nyte Malaysia….peace!!!

1 comment:

Asak said...

Woi gokku..
Dpt gak aku jumpe blog ko..
follow ar blog aku ye?